Trachymene coerulea

Blue Lace Flower

With a stunning display of white, blue or purple flower heads, each made of tiny intricate flowers, the Blue Lace Flower brings joy to any garden over the summer months.

These flower heads can be as large as 50 mm across! Not only are they spectacular on their own, but the blooms also cover the plant profusely so you can enjoy a colour explosion. This erect annual herb is a great choice for small gardens, growing to about 1 metre high by 0.8 metres wide.

Grow it at home

  • Prefers full sun
  • Sow seeds in May: either direct in the garden or grown first in a seed-raising soil and transplant in the garden when 50-100mm high
  • Use 3-4 month native granular fertiliser on sowing or planting
  • This spring/summer-flowering annual complements Pink Everlastings, as it flowers later and extends the display period
  • Foliage is also decorative, striking en masse or as individual specimens

Find it in Kings Park

See the Blue Lace Flower at its best October to January in the Aspects Mound, Wadjuk Car Park surrounds, Zamia Café, Rottnest Island Garden, or South Coast Flora Garden (adjacent to Forrest Drive and the Water Garden).

Out in the wild

The Blue Lace Flower grows naturally from Geraldton to Albany, mainly in coastal areas, and is sometimes referred to as the Rottnest Island Daisy.

Acacia glaucoptera

Flat Wattle

Rhodanthe chlorocephala subsp. rosea

Pink Paper-daisy

Hibbertia grossulariifolia

Guinea Flower

Grevillea glabrilimba

Grevillea bracteosa

Eucalyptus kingsmillii

Kingsmill’s mallee

Eucalyptus pyriformis

Pear-fruited Mallee

Eremophila nivea

Silky Eremophila

Acacia lanuginophylla

Woolly Wattle