Adenanthos sericeus

Woolly Bush

The small, red, almost inconspicuous flowers are a great source of nectar for small honeyeaters.

The Woolly Bush is a large upright shrub that grows up to 5m high by 2m wide. Its soft, silver-grey foliage provides an attractive contrast in the garden. It can be grown in a range of conditions, including coastal areas.

Grow it at home

  • This species thrives on coastal sands and right through to heavy soils, providing the site is free-draining
  • Best grown in full sun, but also tolerant of shade – prune regularly to avoid a leggy habit in shade
  • Once established, this plant is very hardy and in some situations needs no supplementary summer watering. Open mulch will help to conserve moisture
  • The Woolly Bush is able to be hedged and shaped to suit any situation within the home garden. It is highly responsive to pruning and mature plants can even tolerate severe major limb removal to stimulate development of new foliage

This species is soft to the touch and a worthy inclusion in most gardens. It should perform well for up to 10 years before it will require replacing. It may also be grown in a large tub and shaped for a Christmas tree!

Find it in Kings Park

The Woolly Bush can be spotted around Wadjuk Car Park and at May Drive Parkland.

Out in the wild

Adenanthos sericeus is naturally found growing on the Coastal sandhills and outcrops between Albany and Esperance on the south coast of Western Australia.

Acacia glaucoptera

Flat Wattle

Eucalyptus caesia subsp. magna

Silver Princess

Adenanthos cuneatus

Coastal Jug Flower

Grevillea bracteosa

Eucalyptus kruseana

Bookleaf Mallee

Rhodanthe chlorocephala subsp. rosea

Pink Paper-daisy

Conostylis candicans

Grey Cottonhead

Acacia lanuginophylla

Woolly Wattle

Patersonia occidentalis

Purple Flag