Chorizema cordatum

Heart-leaf Flame Pea

The Heart-leaf Flame Pea is covered with an abundance of vibrant orange, red and yellow pea flowers from mid-winter to late spring. 

This scrambling, evergreen shrub grows to 1m high by 1.5m wide and has leathery, heart-shaped leaves.

Chorizema is a genus of around 26 species, with the majority endemic to the south-west of Australia. The species name cordatum is from the Latin cordis – heart, in reference to the leaf shape of this species.

Grow it at home

  • Will grow in a range of soils provided free draining.
  • Grows best with protection from full sun and in semi-shaded areas and is an excellent understory plant 
  • Tip prune to maintain shape following flowering
  • Tolerant of dry conditions, with additional moisture in extended hot and dry periods
  • Suitable for pot cultivation
  • When planting, fertilise with a granular slower release fertiliser that is low in Phosphorous and formulated for native plants.

Find it in Kings Park

This species can be found at the Aspects Mound and Floral Clock, Jarrah Woodland Gardens, Water Garden, Poolgarla Parkland and May Drive Parkland.

Out in the wild

Chorizema cordatum can be found growing in a range of soils on the coastal sandplains and in the Jarrah forests between Leseur National Park to the north and Albany to the south of Perth. 

Find it in nurseries

Kings Park Favourites are produced in partnership with Domus Nursery and are available for purchase in retail garden centres and hardware stores throughout WA.

Conostylis candicans

Grey Cottonhead

Rhodanthe chlorocephala subsp. rosea

Pink Paper-daisy

Eucalyptus torquata

Coral Gum

Eucalyptus pyriformis

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Eucalyptus kingsmillii

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Dodonaea ceratocarpa

Horny Hop-Bush

Grevillea glabrilimba

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Golden Featherflower

Adenanthos sericeus

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