Hakea multilineata

Grass Leaf Hakea

A medium to tall upright, branched and bushy shrub, the Grass Leaf Hakea grows up to 3-5m high and wide and has thick, flat linear leaves that can be up to 20cm long.

Striking clusters of vibrant pink flowers are abundant from June to September and are followed by attractive woody fruits.

The species name multilineata is from the Latin multus – 'many' and lineatus – 'with parallel lines', which refers to the many thread-like veins in the leaves.   

Grow it at home

  • Grows in a range of soils provided free draining
  • Grows well in full sun, will tolerate some light shade
  • Not suitable for humid conditions
  • Drought and moderately frost tolerant once established
  • Prune lightly after flowering to maintain size and shape
  • When planting, fertilise with a granular slower release fertiliser that is low in phosphorous and formulated for native plants
  • Flowers are highly attractive to nectar loving birds, whilst cockatoos feed from the seeds in the woody fruit.

Find it in Kings Park

This Hakea can be found in the Grevillea and Hakea Garden, Southern Wheatbelt Garden (Forrest Drive), Naturescape surrounds and Wadjuk Way garden beds. 

Out in the wild

The Grass Leaf Hakea favours sandy or lateritic soils in the south-west of WA, from Dalwallinu east to Coolgardie and south-east to Esperance. 

Find it in nurseries

Kings Park Favourites are produced in partnership with Domus Nursery and are available for purchase in retail garden centres and hardware stores throughout WA.

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Hakea invaginata