Flowers in Focus 2024 Winners Announced
We are delighted to announce the winning entries of the 2024 Flowers in Focus photography competition.
We received so many fantastic photos of Western Australian flora up close in this years' competition. After a tough judging process, we are now pleased to share the winning snaps! Thank you to everyone who entered their photos.
The winning photos will be displayed in an outdoor exhibition in May Drive Parkland - on display soon.
Thank you to Aspects of Kings Park Gallery Shop, Department of Parks and Wildlife and Moonlight Cinema for donating the prizes.
Drosera sp. captured by Basilia Staltari

Drosera stolonifera captured by Josh Heard

Thysanotus sp. captured by Pauline Drew

Urodon dasyphyllus (Mop Head Pea) captured by Nola Higgs

Verticordia huegelii captured by Julia Griffiths
Kingia australis captured by Guy Leung

Eucalyptus alatissima captured by Sally Boussoualim

Hakea laurina captured by Chelle Fisher

Diplolaena sp. captured by Drew Ross

Elythranthera brunonis captured by Jennifer Smith