Banksia blechnifolia

Showing its best self in spring, Banksia blechnifolia is an attractive prostrate banksia that is well suited as a ground cover in the home garden.

To add to the attractive foliage, upright and showy, cylindrical flowers occur at ground level mainly in spring and range in colour from dusky pink or red, cream, rusty orange and brown. The hairy new foliage growth is also a feature and can be dusky pink, red or rust coloured.

The species name is derived from Blechnum, a genus of ferns and the Latin folium, a leaf, as the leaves of this species resemble those of the Blechnum fern.

Grow it at home

  • Ideal for rockeries or an elevated setting where the flowers will be displayed
  • Best grown in open, sunny area, but will tolerate light shade
  • Tolerates a range of soils provided there is good drainage and a slightly neutral to acid pH
  • Apply slow-release native blend 8-9 month fertiliser on planting and annually in spring
  • To promote flowering remove the old, spent cones
  • This plant can be susceptible to scale and dieback (the soil-borne fungus, Phytophthora cinnamomi)

Find it in Kings Park

A must-see in spring, this banksia is on display in the Banksia Garden, Wadjuk Car Park surrounds, Western Australian Botanic Garden entrance and May Drive Parkland.

Out in the wild

Banksia blechnifolia is found growing in white and brown sands along the south coast of Western Australia, between Jerramungup and Gibson.

Adenanthos cuneatus

Coastal Jug Flower

Banksia nivea

Honeypot Dryandra

Verticordia chrysantha

Golden Featherflower

Conostylis candicans

Grey Cottonhead

Banksia ashbyi subsp. boreoscaia

Ashby’s Banksia (dwarf form)

Eucalyptus kruseana

Bookleaf Mallee

Beaufortia aestiva

Kalbarri Beaufortia

Patersonia occidentalis

Purple Flag

Eucalyptus kingsmillii

Kingsmill’s mallee